


For those who hope to study as an internship student in Engineering/Information Science and Technology at Hokkaido University (HU), please follow the procedures below and apply for the program.
For any inquiry regarding the application, please contact the Center for Engineering Education Development (CEED)* using the email address at the bottom of this page.

* International Affairs Office of Engineering does not deal with internship applications.


You must be a student who is enrolled in a regular course (undergraduate/graduate) at the partner universities of HU outside Japan. As for the 4th-year Bachelor student, you need to continue studying at Master’s level and your admission needs to have already been approved. Please note that we cannot accept students who already graduated or are not enrolled in a partner university.


Depending on the length of internship, 1 or 2 credits will be given to the interns who are currently the students at one of the partner universities of HU.

Course Title Required Period Number of Credits
Internship I one week or longer 1 Credit
Internship II more than 2 weeks 2 Credits


*Please complete the following steps (from 1 to 3) at least 3 to 6 months before your internship starts. If your stay exceeds 90 days, these steps must be completed 6 months prior to your arrival in Japan. In the case of any delays, we may not be able to accept your internship.

  1. Receive Informal Consent of Internship Acceptance from Prospective Supervisor:
    You are required to look for laboratories at HU, contact your prospective supervisor by email, and obtain their consent for your internship program. Please note the following points:

    *Do not apply to multiple supervisors at the same time.

    – If you apply to several supervisors simultaneously, we will not process your application.

    – Please prioritize and apply to one supervisor first.
     If you are not accepted, then proceed to the next.

    *You MUST submit the following four documents to the supervisor you are applying to.
     If any of the documents are missing, they may not process your application.

    1. CV(using this format)
    2. Abstract(s) of academic paper (A document that outlines what you want to research)
    3. Academic transcript(s)
    4. Scan of your passport (copy)

    (Ref.) Division and Laboratory: List
    (Ref.) HU Researcher: List

    You are required to decide your internship period and research theme at HU consulting with your prospective supervisor.

  2. Eligibility for Scholarship:
    If you meet the academic requirements, CEED will give you a scholarship of 80,000 JPY/month. However, your internship must meet the following conditions.

    1. The internship period must NOT be longer than 90 days.
    2. You are NOT receiving any other scholarship in the amount of more than 80,000 JPY/month.

    CEED will inform you whether or not you are eligible for the scholarship. After you have received the notification of your scholarship eligibility, you must choose whether or not to participate in the internship. Even if you do not qualify for the scholarship, you could still request to participate in the internship.

  3. Prepare Documentation:
    You are required to submit the following documents to CEED Office 3-6 months prior to the beginning of your internship.

    1. Internship Application Form
    2. Covenant
    3. Certificate of registration
    4. (For only those who wish to apply)Application for Dorm Accommodation
    5. *All residents are required to pay 50,000 JPY as an initial security deposit. If there are no outstanding payments or repairs at the time of moving out, the full amount will be refunded. However, the payment will be made by overseas remittance after the date of moving out, so please be aware that a bank commission charge will be deducted from the deposit.

    6. (For only students in EEA) Consent to Transfer and Process Personal Data
  4. Obtain Japan Visa:
    Japan visa necessity depends on the nationality, the type of passport, and the length of stay in Japan. You need to check its necessity on the following website, and consult with CEED about the necessary procedures: VISA / Residing in Japan on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
    Due to the requirement of approval of your Japan visa by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the submission of the above documents is not a guarantee of your internship at HU. Since it varies depending on each application, we cannot provide any information regarding the visa processing times.
  5. Determine Arrival Schedule:
    We must strictly manage your arrival and departure dates. You must consult with CEED in advance to determine your arrival and departure dates. And then, CEED will advise you to purchase your flight tickets for the specified dates. In principle, you are not allowed to change your arrival and departure flights.

Additional Information:

  1. Internship Student ID and Commuting Pass:
    A laminated ID card will be issued with your photo and your postal address of accommodation in Sapporo. To purchase student-discounted commuting pass for Sapporo underground, you need to show the ID card.
  2. Insurance:
    Internship students are required to purchase travel insurance covering the full period from departure to return home. If staying in Japan for more than 90 days, you must obtain Japanese National Health Insurance in addition to this.


CEED Industry-Academia Collaborative Program
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Tel : +81-(0)11-706-7163
E-mail :ceed-ind◆
*Replace ◆ with an at sign.