Call for Summer Applications

Ceed offers two classes for summer.

①Speaking and Writing(Instructor:Mr. Stephen Burrow)
Class meets from 9am to 1pm everyday from August 5 to 11.
The tuition fee to be paid by students is 10,000yen (plus textbook approximately 6000 yen)

②Summer Intensive English Camp (training institution: Orange Bird)
Attendants leave Hokudai on September 24 and come back from Otaki Seminar House on 28.
The fee to be paid by students is 18,000yen (for meals, accommodation, and textbook)
The tuition and other miscellaneous cost will be paid by CEED.

For more information, see program descriptions
Program Descriptions

We look forward to your attendance!

Any Questions?
Center for Engineering Education Development(CEED)
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University,
North 13, West 8, Sapporo, 060-8628, JAPAN
Tel: +81 (0)11-706-7163
E-mail: ceed-int◆
*Replace ◆ with an at sign.