Various Uses of e-Learning Content

e-Learning Initiatives develops ancillary materials for coursework to support credit recognition using the e-learning system with a main focus on videotaping and editing ordinary lectures. However, recent years have seen a greater need for e-learning materials not only as tools for credit recognition but also as ancillary materials for actual classes. This section gives an insight into various uses of e-learning content.
▼A variety of production methods
▼Examples of Content Use
▼Uses and Advantages of e-Learning Content
▼Video and voice analysis by using AI
▼Content Updates, Changes, Successions and Deletions

A variety of production methods

1. Videotaping of ordinary lectures with students (undergraduate/graduate classes)

  • All lectures on a course are videotaped as in the past.
  • Classes for quizzes and group work need not be videotaped.
  • It is also possible to videotape only certain sessions, such as wrap-up lectures.

Videotaping of all lectures

Videotaping of all lectures

Not all lectures need to be videotaped.

Not all lectures need to be videotaped.

It is also possible to videotape only certain lectures.

It is also possible to videotape only certain lectures.

  • Lecture videos can also be edited into different sections for broadcast.
  • Videos do not need to be 90 minutes long.
  • For content that will probably be frequently updated, such as new research outcomes, single sections are advantageous because they can easily be replaced later.

Videos can be edited by section.

Videos can be edited by section.

2. Videotaping of lectures without students

  • L-200 Lecture room may be used as a videotaping studio, and lectures in other rooms can also be videotaped.
  • Video can be shot throughout the year and during long holidays (i.e., summer and/or spring break).
  • L-200 Lecture room is available for videotaping lectures (90 minutes x 15 lectures) and producing short videos for classwork preparation as well as other ancillary materials.

Room L-200: recommended as a videotaping studio

L-200 Lecture room: recommended as a videotaping studio

Videotaping in other rooms also possible

Videotaping in other rooms also possible

3. Video production with audio and slide data

  • Videos can be produced using audio and slide data.
  • L-200 Lecture room can also be used for audio recording. Recording equipment is available for rental.

All CEED needs is sound and slide data.

All CEED needs is sound and slide data.


Examples of Content Use

Outlined below are actual examples of content use.

Example 1: Videotaping of the Japanese version of a regular English-language class as ancillary material


An instructor planned to provide actual lectures in English in the second semester and wanted to videotape Japanese versions during the summer vacation for Japanese students who would take the lectures to help enhance their understanding.


Recommended for instructors providing lectures in languages other than Japanese

Classwork preparation involving watching Japanese versions of videos for enhanced understanding

Classwork preparation involving watching Japanese versions of videos for enhanced understanding

Example 2: Production of a short video as ancillary material to be used during lectures


An instructor wanted to give English presentations during his lectures. As the presentations would have the same content, the instructor wanted to ensure that the same terminology would be used. It was also difficult to get a speaker to come to the class to make a presentation every week.
For these reasons, the instructor wanted to create video presentations in advance to show in his classes and allow students to watch them at home.


Recommended for classes involving student discussions, such as exercises using videos

Playback of videotaped presentations as ancillary materials during lectures

Playback of videotaped presentations as ancillary materials during lectures

Example 3: Videotaping of wrap-up lectures only


An instructor wanted to videotape three undergraduate wrap-up lectures so that students could watch them to prepare for and review their classwork.


Recommended for instructors who want students to study efficiently

The 5th lecture as a wrap-up for the 1st to 4th lectures, the 10th as a wrap-up for the 6th to 9th lectures, and the 15th as a wrap-up for the 11th to 14th lectures

The 5th lecture as a wrap-up for the 1st to 4th lectures, the 10th as a wrap-up for the 6th to 9th lectures, and the 15th as a wrap-up for the 11th to 14th lectures

Example 4: Videotaping for students unable to attend supplementary classes


Some students are unable to attend supplementary classes on days different from those scheduled for lectures. An instructor wanted to provide such students with e-learning materials to ensure their studies would not be delayed.


Recommended for instructors who often go on business trips

Example 5: Development of basic study materials for students taking a course as a minor


An instructor wanted to develop three installments of basic study materials for students taking his course as a minor so that they could watch them to prepare for classwork.


Recommended for instructors teaching courses with large numbers of students taking them as a minor

Uses and Advantages of e-Learning Content

Outlined below are examples of e-learning content use other than for credit recognition.

  • All e-learning materials are available to support preparations for/review of actual classes and as resources to help students who miss classes due to sickness, bereavement leave, overseas study, internships, job-hunting activities and the like.
  • As a general rule, broadcasting begins in the semester following that in which the content is produced. However, students attending actual classes may also be allowed to watch content in the same semester.

Video and voice analysis by using AI

CEED’s e-learning system is provided with the video and voice analysis services by using AI.

*Azure Media Services and Azure Cognitive Services supplied by Microsoft are utilized for these analysis services. For more details on the applicable language and so on, please visit Media Indexer (Microsoft), Translator Text API (Microsoft) and Text to Speech (Microsoft).

  • Speech→Text: Automatic translation from voice data to text data.
  • Text→Translation: Automatic translation from one language to another.
  • [Under development] Text→Speech: Automatic recording of the speech from the text.
  • [Under development] Translated text→Speech: Automatic recording of the translated speech from the text.

These services can be used not only for the contents produced by CEED but also for your own videos and voice datas. Please make inquiries using the following application form.

Application form for the video and voice analysis services (Japanese only)

Please refer to the following manuals for the video and voice analysis services.


Content Updates, Changes, Successions and Deletions

  • Old or obsolete e-learning materials can be updated. Inform e-Learning Initiatives of the need for an update as soon as possible so that the request can be incorporated into the videotaping schedule. (It is possible to videotape only lectures requiring updates; not all lectures need to be videotaped again.)
  • e-Learning Initiatives also responds to requests for partial revisions of videos/reference materials and other changes.
  • Instructors departing for reasons such as retirement are asked to allow continued broadcasting of their e-learning materials in viewing only status. However, materials can still be used in an ancillary capacity in coursework for credit recognition in addition to viewing only transmission if both the instructor and the successor permit such usage.
  • Instructors wishing to delete content for any reason should contact e-Learning Initiatives.