Intercultural Education Program

What are programs for intercultural education?

Students are required to have the ability to smoothly communicate in English when engaging with other researchers, or when making presentations and exchanging opinions at international academic conferences in the future. With globalization, there are also growing opportunities to communicate in English even when engaging in research and development activities. As a result, English skills are required for students. From this point of view, educational programs to promote internationalism consist of the following points:

  • Programs emphasize the development of communication skills in English as an international language
  • Programs use lectures to foster practical English skills
  • Programs provide opportunities to practice communicating in English.

Practical English for science technology students

Practical English for science technology students

This lecture aims to improve students’ abilities to present theses in English, focusing on how to draft theses on science technology and how to make presentations (these are common subjects for students in the Graduate School of Engineering). Presentation practice under the guidance of native English-speaking teachers enhances participants’ skill and confidence levels.

Brush-Up English Course

Brush-Up English Course

This course aims to improve basic communication skills in English, by means of small English classes for specific proficiency levels that are taught by native English-speaking teachers. This course cannot be used to earn academic credits, but is still popular with students even though a course fee is required (financial support provided by the CEED is available.)

Support for international activities suggested by students

Support for international activities suggested by students

It is important to use English daily in campus life. For that purpose, voluntary activities by Japanese students to enhance interactions with international students are provided with financial support. This photo was taken on a tour planned by the Student Committee for International Internships to the area surrounding the venue of the Toyako G8 Summit.