e-Learning Content Production
Producing e-learning content
Each semester, the staff of CEED’s e-Learning Initiatives videotape, edit and broadcast lectures on five or six courses of the Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Information Science, Technology and the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering and the School of Engineering.
For requests for and inquiries about e-learning content production, contact the e-Learning System Development Department below. The staff also welcome requests to observe lecture videotaping, etc.
Call for Requests to Video Content
CEED invites requests to videotape e-learning content at any time.
In addition to videotaping lectures so that students unable to attend actual classes can earn credits, the program also produces content designed to support preparation for and review of actual classes and resources to be used as ancillary materials in classes.
See the Process Flow of e-Learning Content Production (e.g., videotaping, video reviewing, broadcasting) web page for information on videotaping for regular lectures and the Various Uses of e-Learning Content web page for ideas on the specific use of e-learning content.
Hokkaido University faculty members – have your lectures videotaped!
Videotaping of regular lectures
Have your lectures videotaped for the production of e-learning content!
Such content supports credit recognition and helps students to prepare for and review actual classes.
Room L-200 can be used as a videotaping studio, but recording can of course also be done in other rooms.
Approximately 10-minute digest versions of lectures
Videos giving lecture overviews (e.g., lecture guidance) can also be produced. These give students a quick outline of lectures, thereby helping them to select career paths and choose course subjects to register for.
Videos for preparing for classwork in flip teaching
Videos can also be produced to support preparations for classwork in flip teaching.
In this style of teaching, students prepare for classes by watching video lectures beforehand and spend time solving problems or discussing issues in actual classes. This allows effective utilization of class hours.
To maintain students’ concentration, it is advisable to create several short videos (approximately 10 to 15 minutes each) rather than 90-minute ones. It is also possible to create videos for quizzes in individual lectures to check students’ understanding.
Videos to support preparations for classwork in English
Lectures given in Japanese can also be videotaped as ancillary materials for lectures in English.
The understanding of Japanese students who take courses in English will be enhanced if they prepare for them by watching the Japanese versions first.
Other ancillary materials
CEED also works to respond to various other videotaping requests, such as those for short lecture summary videos designed to help students review classes and for videos to be played during classes.
Feel free to contact CEED in relation to videotaping for non-lecture events such as workshops for students and faculty members and production of videos as laboratory equipment manuals.
CEED also produces DVDs of videos and uploads footage to video-sharing websites.
Contact for inquiries regarding e-learning content production:
CEED e-Learning Initiatives
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Tel.:011-706-7168 (ex. 7168)
*Replace ◆ with an at sign.