For Academic Staff

※Only academic staff at Hokkaido University.

Responses to requests for advice from a Hokkaido University or non-Hokkaido University student wishing to gain internship experience

CEED provides support to students wishing to gain internship experience in Japan or overseas as well as those wishing to undertake an internship at Hokkaido University, through the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) Student Exchange Support Program and CEED’s own scheme.
Teachers asked for advice by a Hokkaido University student regarding a domestic or overseas internship are advised to click on the link below.


Teachers asked for advice by a non-Hokkaido University student regarding an internship at Hokkaido University are advised to click on the link below.

Information on Overseas Intern Acceptance Support for Academic Staff at Hokkaido University

For more information about the JASSO Student Exchange Support Program, click on the links below (links to an external site).

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

E-learning courses

CEED videotapes lectures and broadcasts the videos as e-learning content as well as working to improve the e-learning content production environment. CEED’s main functions regarding e-learning include designing institutional arrangements (e.g., effective e-learning content development), offering advice on the online publication of lecture materials from the viewpoint of copyright protection, and providing support concerning credit recognition using e-learning content as ancillary materials. For more information, click on the links below.

Credit Recognition Using e-Learning Materials
Activities of the e-Learning Initiatives
Process Flow of e-Learning Content Production (e.g., videotaping, video reviewing, broadcasting)
Introduction to the Videotaping Studio and Equipment
Various Uses of e-Learning Content
Copyrights of e-Learning Content and Related Operational Procedures
Precautions When Quoting from the Copyrighted Works of Third Parties for e-Learning Content
Support for Hybrid Learning

Troubleshooting in e-learning

With your computer’s operating system, browser and/or other settings, you may be unable to access e-learning content. Click on the link(s) below for troubleshooting.

System User Manual (for Teachers)

If the above information does not solve your problem, contact the e-Learning Initiatives.
E-mail: ceed-eL◆
*Replace ◆ with an at sign.