
Application for “Practical English for Science and Engineering” has started.

The Practical English for Science and Engineering course has started accepting applications. The course is a common subj...

Practical English for Science and Engineering Fall and Winter Semester 2020

“Practical English for Science and Engineering” that has been postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 will be offered in...

Information on the Internship Program abroad

Information on the Internship Program abroad has been updated. Please refer to the URL below for further information. ht...

Additional information on the Domestic Internship Program

We updated the information regarding the application for the Domestic Internship Program. Please refer to the URL below....


Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese. 6月~7月での開講を予定しておりました「企業と仕事特論」 (6月:3コマのeラーニング、7月1日、4日、5日、8日 、15日 、18日:12コ...