

(日本語) ジョブ型研究インターンシップ 専用システムへの登録期間が始まりました

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Application for enrollment in Brush-Up English Fall Term has started.

Brush-Up English will offer its fall term courses online as below. The application is due at noon, Friday, October 8. (A...

(日本語) 「ジョブ型研究インターンシップ学生向け説明会」が開催されます

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CEED staff will be working from home temporarily to prevent further spread of COVID-19

To prevent spreading the novel coronavirus infection, all staff at CEED will, in principle, work from home from Monday, ...

(日本語) 「ジョブ型研究インターンシップ共通説明会」が開催されます

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