

Application for “Practical English for Science and Engineering” has started.

The Practical English for Science and Engineering course has started accepting applications. The course is a common subj...

Application for enrollment in Brush-Up English Spring Term has started.

“Brush-Up English” will offer its spring term courses online as below. The application is due at noon, Tuesday, April 13...

Orientation for the Internship program

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

[e-Learning] Notice of CEED e-Learning System Suspension

Dear CEED e-learning system users, Please be informed that, The CEED e-learning system will be stopped during the follow...

Application for enrollment in Brush-Up English Spring Break Course has started.

“Brush-Up English” will offer its spring break courses online as below. The application is due at 9 am, Monday, February...