

Application for “Practical English for Science and Engineering” has started.

Application for “Practical English for Science and Engineering” has started. The Practical English for Science and Engin...

Reopening of the e-Learning System

To Users of the CEED e-Learning System The maintenance has been completed and the system has reopened. Applications are ...

(日本語) 2023年度 CEED人材育成科目ガイダンスのお知らせ

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

[e-Learning] Notice of CEED e-Learning System Suspension

Dear CEED e-learning system users, Please be informed that, The CEED e-learning system will be stopped during the follow...

Application for enrollment in Brush-Up English Spring Break Course 2022 has started.

CEED will offer Brush-Up English: Spring Break courses in-person and online as below. The application is due by noon, Th...